
There is a crisis in mental health.

Qualified help is often available but hard to access and coordinate. Self help resources come in a confusing array of shapes and sizes, with no clear means for distinguishing the good from the bad. Consequently, too many people experience problems only to go it alone, or must rely on poor guidance and weak or invalid treatments.The truth of the matter is, if you don’t know what your problem is, or how the solution is supposed to work, it probably won’t. Myndplan bridges the gap between getting help and helping yourself effectively, offering tools and resources that help you more accurately identify your problems, explore evidence based solutions, develop a realistic change plan, and begin working with the people and tools you require to start feeling better.

– Robert Shepherd, Founder


Our Approach

Based on real science

Myndplan’s resources are based on results of our clinical trials, rigorous analysis of our growing client database, and careful review of current evidence based diagnostic and treatment recommendations.

A Comprehensive Suite of e-tools

In addition to our comprehensive personality scans, we provide detailed analysis of your results, plain language guides that help you plan your change strategy, and interactive treatment manuals to help you practice strategies and achieve your goals for personal improvement.

Consumer Centred

Your information is secure and belongs to you. You control access to information in your personal file, which cannot be viewed without your consent. You can invite anyone in, and withdraw consent to view your file at any time.

A plan for better mental health

More about Myndplan
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